Students of the Faculty of Visual Arts, Angela Mršulj and Marija Raketić, under the mentorship of Prof. Danijela Mahmutović, mural, painted a mural on the Russian Bridge, in the center of Podgorica. The mural was created as the goal of the project "Žartivizam" - women's action through the arts, during the second segment of the seminar called "Conquest of Fine Arts".
During the seminar, students of three faculties of art, University of Montenegro, University of the Mediterranean and University of Donja Gorica, art historian Nela Gligorovic presented the characters and works of the first women painters in the history of art, their destinies and struggle through the centuries from the Renaissance to the present.
In 1989, a group of Guerilla Girls artists covered the streets of New York with posters asking, "Do women have to be naked to get to the Metropolitan Museum?
At that point, only less than 5% of contemporary artists were women, while 85% of paintings, sculptures and photographs depicting nude bodies were women.
Have these numbers changed since the 1980s?