Master of Arts at the Faculty of Visual Arts Mina Jankovic will defend the Master's thesis "Advertising Photography in Montenegro" on August 29, 2019, starting at 10h, in the Photo Studio of the University.

The appointed master will defend the master's thesis before the Commission appointed by the University Senate, by Decision No. R-1485 / 2-19 of 19.07.2019, composed of:

Prof. dr. Dino Karailo, MSc, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, University "Mediteran" in Podgorica, President;
Prof. dr. Nikola Latković, M.Sc., associate professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, University "Mediteran" in Podgorica, mentor;
Doc. Balša Gobović, MSc, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, University of the Mediteran in Podgorica, member.