An exhibition of Katarina Laković's drawing entitled "Code" will open at the CentreVille Hotel Gallery on Wednesday, 22.01. at 19: 00h. The drawings were made with a lavatory shower, and the original idea for this series was created in 2017. Code is a product of thinking about topics that the author has imposed on the subconscious.

Every man somewhere in himself, in his subconscious mind, in his depth, has a written "code" about his origin as well as the origin of everything that surrounds him and the entire cosmos. Code is a word that can be defined, but in essence code is some realization of things that one is not aware of. The problem is to define thoughts on this topic, which is why the author in this series of drawings, has let the subconscious mind, and through her lines, surfaces, points and other elements, to present her view of the code, or just a fraction of the code. In each drawing we can find similarities of some elements with elements from nature, from cells, microorganisms, to the reminders of planets, the universe, everyday events in nature of which we are aware and unconscious.


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