Faculty of Visual Arts, University Mediterranean organizes on Saturday, 27 May 2017 at Skaline in Podgorica at 13:00 a Small Workshops on Cyanotype.

Cyanotype is an old process of developing photographs, discovered by Sir John  Herschel back in 1842 and until now it has not changed a lot. It is the only photographic process that does not use silver nitrate salt to create prints with the help of the light that in the past was commonly used as a cheap solution for reproduction of technical drawings and plans. Today it is mostly used by artists and photographers.

The workshop will be held by Lena Adamcakova from the Department of Photography and New Media, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, who is staying at the Faculty of Visual Arts within the ERASMUS + Program.
During the workshop everyone will have the opportunity to try their hand at this "discipline" and receive their cyanotype photogram instead of diplomas.

  • Lena Adamcakova - Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Stevo Vasiljevic - Faculty of Visual Arts in Podgorica, Montenegro