"I spent one semester at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava via the Erasmus + Programme. I had the opportunity to meet people of different profiles and interests from all over Europe and beyond ...
From topics related to our profession, through cultural themes to comparing the repertoire of swear words by languages, I never got bored. The Academy offers a huge selection of subjects from all areas of visual arts: fine arts, graphic design, industrial design, restoration. I took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the design areas I did not have the opportunity to deal with in Podgorica. Within the Multimedia Labs studio, I learned about video game design, but also had courses in industrial design, sound design, illustration ... I learned a lot more than I expected during these five months. In any case, great experience and the thing I would strongly recommend!
If you hesitate about signing up, I assure you there is no reason to worry. If the Italians managed to get through, everyone can :) "