The group of seven Montenegrin artists under the name of MONTEBACKYARTD will have an exhibition at Angelina College Art Gallery, Lufkin, Texas, from March 5 – 27.

It is a great opportunity for Montenegro and these young artists to represent their works in its various forms to the American audiences. All of this is possible  thanks to the efforts of the curators of this event - Robbie Roach and Una Jovovic.

This ad hoc group gathered the artists from diverse backgrounds and artistic expressions:

  • Katarina Svabic, a painter and visual artist - a video installation „Magic of Circle“
  • Nikola Radonjic, a sculptor - relief project „Galaxy“
  • DaMir Murseljevic, a visual artist - analog photographs from his series „The Act of Seeing with One's Other Eyes“
  • Luka Lu Bošković, a designer & photographer and he participates with his photographs of Montenegrin nature
  • Tina Kuzman,  a visual artist and producer,
  • Una Jovovic  a photographer and
  • Nemanja Becanovic, film director and a musician, group video work „Id“.
