Master's degree student Davor Golubović, presented the work at the Biennale in Nottingham. Davor presented a video game which he began working on during his stay at the Academy in Bratislava, wtihin the Erasmus exchange.

Over 250 artists from all over the world were gathered at the Biennale in Nottingham, and they presented their works from different fields of art. Davor's work was presented at the Broadway cinema gallery, as part of the exhibition of digital multimedia works. The work represents a simulation of a repetitive, meaningless office work which puts a player in a perspective of the empoloyee and it is required to complete the job before the end of the working hours. Besides the time limitation and the amount of "work" that has to be done,. the player must track the level of stress and drowsiness of the character it controls and to balance all the factors by using mechanics of the game like drinking coffee, using downers, injecting adrenaline or morphine...With good or bad balancing of these factors, the character which player controls my fall asleep on a working place, get cardiac arrest, get fired or in best case scenario, earn salary. No matter how the working day is finished, the game restarts itself on the beginning of a new work day and continues into infinity.
The idea is to merge video game, in classic sense, as a medium from which the fun is expected and which in its mechanics rewards the player for fulfillment of tasks, with repetitive, dull jobs, which are usually the opposite of the games, with the aim of seeing qualities of one through the flaws of the other and vice versa, while reconsiderateing the expectations from both.

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