International Cultural Policy Conference "Cultural Policies. Developments. Perspectives."

Thursday 26th September 2024

Modern Gallery / Kuslev`s House, Marka Miljanova 4, Podgorica, Montenegro

09:30 Registration
10:00 Opening and welcoming

  • Tamara Vujovic, Minister of Culture and Media, Government of Montenegro

  • Luka Rakcevic, Deputy Mayor of Podgorica

  • Ivana Cupic, Director of the City Museum Podgorica

  • Anna Villarroya, Chair of the Board of the Compendium Association

  • Nataša Kraljević, University “Mediterranean” Podgorica / Compendium expert

“What Does Development Mean? Exploring Definitions and Perspectives"

The first panel discussion moderated by Eva Van Passel (Research Coordinator, Flemish Department of Culture, Youth and Media, Belgium) concentrates on "What Does Development Mean?" and explores the different definitions and perspectives of development as well as what it means for the societies in which it occurs.


  • Solange Michel (Head International Affairs, Swiss Federal Office for Culture)
  • Natalija Vujosevic (Visual artist and curator (Montenegro)
  • Prince Nikola II Petrović – Njegoš (Head of the Petrović Njegoš Fondation & last descendant of the Montenegrin dynasty Petrović - Njegoš)
  • Đorđe Matić (Writer and poet, Croatia)
  • Justin O’Connor (Professor, University of South Australia)
  • Andreas Wiesand (Founder ERICarts Network, Germany)

The concept of development is multifaceted and complex, encompassing economic, social, environmental, political and cultural dimensions as well as the context over time seen that there exist different stages of development in society. However, the meaning of development can vary significantly depending on one's perspective, values, and priorities. A widening of the perspective will take place with the opening of a fish bowl format where we encourage all participants to present their viewpoints to the panel and the audience.

Key Questions to Consider:

  • What are the different dimensions of development, and how do they interact with each other?
  • How do different stakeholders define and prioritize development goals?
  • What are the cultural, social, and environmental factors that influence our understanding of development?
  • What are the ethical considerations and trade-offs involved in pursuing development goals?

12:30 Lunch break

Pillars of Development in the Context of Cultural Policies

The cultural sector plays a crucial role in the development of societies, contributing to economic growth, social cohesion, and individual well-being. Cultural policies, formulated by governments and cultural institutions, shape the environment in which cultural activities and expressions thrive, influencing development outcomes in various ways.

The second session will explore the significant contribution of the cultural sector and cultural policies to the development of societies, by sharing examples across different countries and regions. To kick things off, we will have a look at the survey results from our Compendium community regarding “Cultural Policies and Development” presented by Olivier Göbel. These findings provide a comprehensive overview of how cultural policies are perceived to influence various aspects of development.

Our focus will be on how cultural policies intersect with and enhance the four fundamental pillars of development: economic development, social development, environmental development, and political development. These pillars are essential to building a holistic and sustainable future, and cultural policies play a critical role in each.

Moderation: Edin Jasarovic (Dean of the Faculty of Drama Arts in Cetinje)

Economic Development:

  • Basic Income for Artists – Ireland: Paraic McQuaid
  • Fair Work policy implementation in the cultural sector – UK: Andrew Ormston

Social Development: What role do cultural policies play in fostering social inclusion, cohesion, and community engagement?

  • Health and well-being on European cultural policy – Luiza Moroz Policy adviser, Culture Action Europe
  • Bridging the Gap between Cultural Policies and Health Policies – Spain: Pedro Perez Rothstein

Environmental Development: Several studies and research pointed out the role of culture in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.

  • New policies for sustainable development of cultural sector – Bulgaria: Diana Andreeva
  • Supporting sustainable development of the cultural sector – Germany: Ulrike Blumenreich

Political Development: Cultural policies can also strengthen governance and civic participation.

  • Politicization and the Swedish Cultural Model – Sweden: Tobias Harding
  • Vladislav Scepanovic (Visual Artist & the Head of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Montenegro)

After presenting these examples, we will transition to a fishbowl format, where a small group of participants will discuss these topics in depth while the larger audience listens and reflects. This format allows for a rich exchange of ideas and diverse perspectives.

Following the fishbowl discussion, we will move into a World Café format (including real Coffee). This will provide an opportunity for all participants to engage in smaller, focused conversations about the different pillars of development. You will rotate through various tables, each dedicated to one of the pillars, allowing for an in-depth exploration and generation of new ideas.

We will conclude the session with a reflection on the insights from the World Café format and a statement on the importance of balancing these pillars of development. Our aim is to emphasize the interconnectedness of economic, social, environmental, and political development, highlighting how cultural policies can harmonize these aspects to create a sustainable and inclusive future.

We encourage you to participate actively, share your experiences, and learn from one another. Thank you for being here, and let’s embark on this journey of discovery and collaboration together.

Looking Beyond! Cultural policies are an important driver for development within our societies

Over time, the role of the cultural sector and cultural policies in development has evolved. There has been a shift from viewing culture as a peripheral aspect of development to recognizing its central importance. Countries have increasingly incorporated cultural considerations into their development strategies, recognizing the significant economic, social, and environmental benefits that the cultural sector can provide.

Our final session centers on the idea that learning from each other is crucial for fostering diverse development pathways. Cultural policies, both within Europe and beyond, are powerful tools in this endeavour. While the "Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends" has been an important resource in Europe, our goal today is to envision a Compendium that reaches beyond European borders, encompassing global perspectives and experiences.


  • Anupama Sekhar (Strategic advisor for arts & culture policy | Board Member | UNESCO Expert)
  • Terje Hovland (Norway, Chair of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe)
  • Milena Dragicevic Sesic (Professor at the University of Arts, Belgrade, Compendium expert Serbia)

17:30 Session IV: Closing remarks
18:00 Artistic programme & Dinner


General Assemblies (Associations and Experts), Working Groups, Presentations

Friday 27th September 2024

Kuslev`s House, Marka Miljanova 4, Podgorica, Montenegro


9:30 Introduction moderated by Anna Villarroya, Chair of the Compendium Association

9:45 7th General Assembly of the Association of Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends moderated by Anna Villarroya, Chair of the Compendium Association

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Assembly of Compendium Experts (ACE) moderated by Blerina Berneri, Chair of ACE

12:30 Lunch Break

14:00 Working Groups consisting of Compendium members & experts

  1. Working group on Cultural Statistics chaired by Ulrike Blumenreich
  2. Working group on New Technologies chaired by Olivier Göbel

15:15 Presentation of WG results

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Presentation of Research Projects

  1. Milena Dragicevic Sesic: “Export or collaboration: Reporting cultural policy measures in UNESCO QPR”
  2. Steven Hadley: “Cultural Policy Realism“
  3. Marko Lohmus: “Social guarantees for freelancers“
  4. Dorota Ilczuk & Anna Karpinska: “Professional situation of artists and creators in Poland 2024"
  5. Jaka Primorac: “Challenges of film industries in small countries“

17:30 Closing remarks