

International Cultural Policy Conference on "Cultural Policies. Developments. Perspectives."

by the

Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends and the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica

Date: 26th September 2024

Location: Modern Gallery / Kuslev`s House, City Museum Marka Miljanova 4, Podgorica, Montenegro

In today's interconnected world, cultural policies play a crucial role in shaping development. From fostering creativity and preserving heritage to promoting social inclusion and economic growth, cultural policies have far-reaching implications for the well-being of societies.

Development is a multifaceted process that involves various aspects of human life, including economic, social, cultural, and environmental dimensions. It is not merely about economic growth, but also about enhancing people's well-being, expanding their capabilities, and creating opportunities for them to live fulfilling lives.

Culture plays a crucial role in development because it shapes people's values, beliefs, behaviours, and norms. It influences how individuals and societies perceive development, what they prioritize, and how they pursue progress. Culture affects everything from how we organize our economies to how we structure our societies, and it influences our attitudes towards innovation, education, health, and the environment. Therefore, any sustainable development strategy should consider culture, respecting diverse cultural perspectives and engaging local communities in the development process.

We are excited to welcome a diverse range of speakers and participants who will share their insights and experiences on these important topics. Through our discussions, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of cultural policies and their role in driving sustainable development. In this context, the conference will consist of three session encompassing different perspectives related to cultural policies and development:

Session 1 (EXPLORE & SHARE) "What Does Development Mean? Exploring Definitions and Perspectives"

The first session will be a deeper dive into the meaning of development. We will listen to different approaches from philosophical, artistic, political approaches – also considering historical and time aspects. Therefor we invited speakers from different areas: research as well as cultural practice, former and recent activists, and of different regional areas. To diversify the discussion a fish bowl format will allow participants to share their views and perspectives in this context.

Session 2 (SHARE & LEARN) The Pillars of Development in the Context of Cultural Policies

To show the different perspectives on »cultural policies and development« of the Compendium Community, the results of a survey among the community will be presented. The main part of the session will consists of looking into the development of four pillars: economic development, social development, environmental development, and political development. We will do this via presenting good practice examples of those areas from colleagues from all around Europe. Combined with a fish bowl format, the aim is to further enrich the discussion and different perspectives. To inspire further questions and learning from each other, World Café tables with activists will follow.

Session 3 (LEARN & DEVELOP) Looking Beyond! Cultural policies as a driver for development within our societies

The last session will broaden up the scope – looking forward, and looking beyond Europe – and discuss perspectives of cultural policies as a driver for development within our societies and within and outside of our communities. This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to explore these diverse viewpoints and engage in constructive dialogue. It promises to be a stimulating and thought-provoking conference!

So join us for a day to EXPLORE, SHARE, LEARN and DEVELOP!!!