The Faculty of Visual Arts of the University Mediterranean organizes a lecture and creative workshop "Doclea in the eyes of a child" within the European Heritage Day 2018 on Saturday, September 29th at 12:00 pm at the site of Doclea.

The workshop will be attended by 20 participants aged 7 to 12 who have affinity for drawing, painting, cultural heritage, history ... The lecture on Doclea will be held by a professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, art historian, mr sci. Petar Ćuković, and a creative workshop, in which participants of their vision of the ancient city of Doclea will come to life on paper using various creative techniques, will be led by an artist and professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, prof. mr Katarina Švabić.

For all selected trainees, a transfer to the Doclea locality will be organized, as well as workshop materials, sandwiches and juices.

We ask all interested students or parents of the attendees to contact the Parents' Association until the 10th of September at number 020 221 000.