FABIO TOLLEDI (IT), PhD è Direttore Artistico, Scrittore. Attore. È regista teatrale e drammaturgo, di Astràgali Teatro dal 1992 e dirige tutte le attività di spettacolo e formazione della compagnia, riconosciuta dal Ministero della Cultura. È Presidente del Centro Italiano dell'International Theatre Institute (ITI), Vicepresidente di ITI per l'Europa e Segretario di ITI Theatre in Conflict Zones Network. Ha un dottorato di ricerca in Sociologia. È stato direttore artistico di molti progetti internazionali, realizzando collaborazioni con teatri, istituzioni, università, artisti internazionali. I suoi oltre 50 spettacoli sono stati messi in scena in tutto il mondo. Il lavoro di Tolledi si è concentrato sulla regia di laboratori e spettacoli teatrali interculturali con un team di performer provenienti da diversi paesi, realizzando spettacoli congiunti multilingue e site-specific. Ha messo in scena spettacoli e tenuto conferenze, conferenze, seminari in più di 45 paesi, anche in zone di conflitto, in quattro continenti.
MARIO SAVINI (IT) Ph.D. in “Scienze giuridiche, politiche internazionali e della comunicazione. Norme, istituzioni e linguaggi”. È critico d'arte e giornalista. I suoi interessi riguardano gli aspetti sociali legati ai New Media e i rapporti tra cultura visiva contemporanea e biotecnologie. È professore a contratto di Storia dell'arte contemporanea presso l'Università di Camerino (Italia). Scrive per il quotidiano “Il Sole 24 Ore” ed è direttore responsabile di “Postinterface”, web magazine di scienze e cultura digitale. Per Pisa University Press ha pubblicato “Postinterface. L'evoluzione connettiva e la diffusione del pensiero plurale” (2009) e “Arte transgenica. La vita è il medium” (2018).
DUNA VIEZZOLI (IT) M.A, Arts Manager, EU project manager and consultant for Culture and Sustainable Development Triestina e cittadina del mondo. Come catalizzatrice culturale che ha deciso di portare nella propria città ciò che ha imparato studiando e vivendo all’estero, Duna ha sviluppato idee e visioni progettuali per la cultura e lo sviluppo sostenibile. Queste sono oggi in fase di realizzazione a Trieste: città sul confine orientale italiano con Slovenia, Austria e Croazia, dall'identità storica e culturale sfaccettata che reclama una (non-)definizione, tra confini nazionali e memorie locali che con difficoltà trovano soluzione. Con la laurea in discipline letterarie e storico-artistiche (Università di Trieste) ha approfondito le radici mobili della propria identità di frontiera, con quella magistrale in giornalismo culturale (Università di Parma) ha capito come dispiegarle, con il master in Arts, Festival and Cultural Management (Queen Margaret University di Edimburgo) ha scoperto come trasformare le proprie idee in progetti. Hanno contribuito: Erasmus+ presso University of Warwick (UK), Erasmus Mundus presso Universidad de Buenos Aires (AR), e i tirocini formativi presso La Jiribilla e Arte por Excelencias - Arte de Iberoamérica y el Caribe a La Habana (CU) e North Edinburgh Arts a Edimburgo (UK).
ULRIKE BLUMENREICH (GER) is vice director of the Institute for Cultural Policy within the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft in Germany and head of the Compendium coordinator. She leads several (inter)national research and monitoring projects (research areas: cultural policy, cultural financing, cultural statistics, cultural governance), coordinates the service provider of the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, works at numerous cultural development plannings processes (on national, regional and local level), as co-editor (e.g. “Yearbook of Cultural Policy”, “Journal on Cultural Policy”), as lector at universities and as (inter)national consultant. She graduated in Applied Cultural Sciences at the Universities of Lüneburg (Germany) and Växjö (Sweden).
OLIVER GOBEL (GER) Project Manager of the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends and research associate at the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V.. He studied political science, economics and social sciences at the University of Bonn. From 2005-2017 he was project manager of the European Institute for Comparative Cultural Research (ERICarts) where he was responsible for the coordination and logistical execution of transnational comparative research studies or projects , such as: “Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends” (Council of Europe 2005-2017), “Contribution of Culture to Local and Regional Economic Development as part of European Regional Policy” (2010 EU-project), “Mobility Matters” (EU-project 2009), “Sharing Diversity” (EU-project 2008).
MAR INTROINI (ESP), PhD is a Writer, Speaker, Facilitator,International Speaker, Goodwill Ambassador, Doctor Honoris Causa, Political Analyst and Founder of the Blog thesustainabiliyreader.com that focuses on reshaping the global system mainly through a new political approach taking citizen engagement as one of the main drivers to change, along with a Zero leadership concept, reforms from global and regional institutions – particular on the European Union- and the implementation of the Global Goals. With a legal background as a Public Attorney and Legal Advisor, Mar holds a vast experience living in different cities, and cultures, Mar has developed a strong sense of multiculturalism based on the need to make of integration, and new legal approaches a turning point for future societies. Holistic approaches that transform cultural and religious diversity into a common goal. Joining expertises and goodwill through advocacy, and networking are the leading principles. Learning how to become a changemaker individually, and in society from a very special focus on innovative strategic thinking ,and bold partnerships. The fact that Mar has been appointed as Global Chair G100 Global Networking, a group of 100 women -from all backgrounds and culture- reinforces and complements her commitment towards change from individual action. The group aims to empower through connections in a virtual and innovative platform all over the world, opening spaces for dialogue and exchange. A truly innovative approach towards better societies and engaged citizens.
RADMILA JANIČIĆ (SRB), PhD is professor of Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. Radmila Janičić is visiting professor at the University Mediterranean. Main topics that she lectures are: Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Marketing in Arts and Culture and Media Communications. She is mentor for graduate papers, master papers and doctoral dissertations. She is an author of many books and scientific papers on international conferences and journals. She is a member of editorial board of International Journal for Literature and Arts. She was a member of workshop at Manchester Business School. She is a member of American Marketing Association. She has organized seminars in the field of Marketing in Arts and Culture. She is a member of the Serbian Marketing Association. Professor Radmila Janičič is visiting professor at University of Split, Faculty of Economy. Professor Radmila Janičić is a member of Athens Institute for Education and Research.
MARIJA JANKOVIĆ (MNE), PhD in Brand Management, working at the University „Mediterranean“ Podgorica in Montenegro. She completed her undergraduate, masters and doctoral studies in economics at the University of Montenegro. She has been working at the University „Mediterranean“ Podgorica since its establishment. She held the position of dean for two mandates and she currently holds the position of Vice-Rector for International Cooperation. She is the author of three books and a large number of scientific works in the field of economics and marketing management. She participated in numerous conferences and scientific events. She is a member of many working teams, boards and associations. She was a visiting professor at universities in Bulgaria, Poland, etc.
MARIJA DŽOGANOVIĆ (CG), M.A je dekanka Fakulteta vizuelnih umjetnosti, Univerziteta „Mediteran“ Podgorica. Magistrirala slikarstvo na Fakultetu likovnih umjetnosti na Cetinju. Studira na postdiplomskim specijalističkim studijama iz oblasti art terpije na Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Radi na Fakultetu vizuelnih umjetnosti u Podgorici u zvanju vanredne profesorke za oblast likovne umjetnosti i vizuelne kulture. Od 2017. godine inicira i rukovodi brojne humanitarne projekte u kojima sa studentima slika murale i organizuje likovne radionice u zdrastvenim ustanovama za djecu i odrasle. Trenutno radi na humanitarnom projektu Art terapija.
JASMINE LINDEMANN (UK), M.A has recently completed her Masters of Arts, Festival and Cultural Management from Queen Margaret University. She is originally from Australia and moved to Scotland 7 years ago to pursue a professional career in the arts sector. Her research interests include political arts, Scottish independence and artists community networks.
TAMARA JOVOVIĆ (MNE), PhD is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University „Mediterranean“ Podgorica, Montenegro. She teaches American literature, African American women’s literature and English language. She earned a PhD from the University of Belgrade in 2016. Her research interests include literary theory, feminist politics, translation and teaching.
OLENA LILOVA (MNE), PhD is an associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the University “Mediterranean”, Podgorica, Montenegro. Her research interests include medieval and early modern drama. She completed a doctoral thesis devoted to the poetics of George Gascoigne’s works (Kyiv, 2003). She is a member of the Montenegrin Association of the European Society for the Study of English.
MICHELE FIORILLO (IT) is a political philosopher. He studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at the College of Europe. His research focuses on history of ideas, theories of democracy and European integration. He is co-initiator of Civico Europa - an organisation for transnational deliberative democracy- and of Citizens Take Over Europe, a European coalition of over 50 NGOs. He currently coordinates European Citizens’ Assembly project and is also a research fellow at the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research. He founded and edited the magazines of culture and politics "ilcontesto" and "Il pensiero democratico" and collaborates with “MicroMega”. In his spare time he also devotes himself to theatre, being co-author of the project “Constitutional Circus” (2020- ), and having directed among others the plays “Creusa” (2021), "Antigone In Parliament. A Dialectic Representation on Law and Justice” (2018, European Parliament, Brussels) and “Time Out of Joint. Shakespeare and the Problem of Power” (2016, Natolin Palace - College of Europe, Warsaw).
CAITLIN McKINNON, (UK) PhD Candidate, Queen Margaret University and the University of Stirling / Caitlin holds a BA from Toronto Metropolitan University with a major in Cultural Studies and a double minor in Philosophy and Curation. Fostering a strong love for learning and research, Caitlin went on to complete a PgCert from Humber College in Arts Administration and Cultural Management, before making the big move from Canada to Scotland to complete an MA in Arts, Festival, and Cultural Management at Queen Margaret University. Throughout her education, Caitlin has sought to immerse herself in the arts and culture world in a variety of different positions, highlights include co-founding a community arts zine in her hometown, volunteering with a Toronto Artists Collective during their takeover of a vacant subway kiosk and working at the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre to run story-based workshops for the local community. Caitlin’s research interests include discourses of arts management, professionalisation, cultural policy, and relations of power in the cultural sector
RENZO FRANCABANDERA (IT), PhD is a university lecturer with a focus in performing art. Currently, he teaches Didactics of the Image and Digital Languages at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UniMoRe) and has previously taught Aesthetics of Movement and Body Languages at the University of Turin. He holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Turin, and a Ph.D. in Institutional Economics from the University of Bologna. He also obtained a Master's degree in Art and Literature of the Digital Age from the University of Barcelona. He is the author of studies and research focused on the relationship between artistic performance and society. Renzo Francabandera is also an artist with a rich background in the performing arts. He has held solo exhibitions in various prestigious venues, including the Venice Biennale Theatre, PAN, and the Maschio Angioino in Naples, the Palazzo dei Priori in Volterra, the Piccolo Teatro and Officine Ansaldo in Milan. He conducts workshops on performativity throughout Italy.
JAROSLAV SIEJKOWSKI (PL) is a Culture creator, actor, director & theatre pedagogue, producer. The cofounder of ArtJunction Foundation ( artjunction.pl) works at Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, collaborates with Theatre Biuro Podrozy significant independent theatre groups in Poland. At TBP, took a part as an actor and co-creator in their numerous performances and collaborative works in nearly 60 countries around the World receiving numerous awards. With Art Junction Foundation he initiated and realised number of social and artistic projects in Poland, Turkey (Mardin), India, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Germany. Initiator and programmer od International Symposium “Saving Hope. Theatrical Artivism in Spaces of Conflict” prepared in collaboration with Grotowski Institute and ITI- Worldwide network: Theatres in the Conflict Zones in June 2023.
SIYAR TURKU (SYR/ROJAVA) is an actor and dramaturg and drama coach born in Kobane Syria/Rojava. Educated in Acting and performing Arts at Damascus University, worked in Cultural Centres in Kobane and in Sêv Galery Erbil. He was voluntary supporting organisers team of Aren Theater Festival in Kobane 2022. 2023 he participated as director and actor in Residential Circles is a Goethe-Institut Irak Project part of the Ta’aziz Partnership
THEVANAYAGAM THEVANANNTH (LKR), PhD is from Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He worked as Assistant Lecturer of Drama & Theatre at the University of Jaffna and the Director of the Media Resources Training Centre, University of Jaffna. Now he is the director of Active Theatre Movement in Sri Lanka. He completed his Bachelor of Arts special degree(B.A(Hons)) and Master of Arts(M.A) from the University of Jaffna and Master of Science(M.Sc.), Master of Philosophy(M.Phil.) in Communication from the University of Madras, India. Currently completed his Ph.D. at Madras University, India. Last 30 years he has been working in the field of drama and theatre in Sri Lanka. Active Theatre Movement organizes Nallur Drama Festival every year during the annual Nallur temple festival. It is a very popular theatre festival in North Sri Lanka. So far, he has written, directed, and acted in more than 55 plays. Thevananth is doing research on theatre communication in War and Postwar Sri Lanka. He has been using theatre for the psychosocial development work of the people affected by the war & disaster Thevananth working as the editor of ‘Kooththarangam’ (Drama & theatre Magazine).
ANDRIJA MIROVIĆ (CG) radi kao saradnik na Pravnom fakultetu, Univerziteta Mediteran Podgorica. Rođen 1998. godine u Podgorici, Crna Gora, aosnovnu školu i opštu gimnaziju završio sam u Kolašinu. Pravni fakultet je završio na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. U toku studija nagrađivan je za jednog od najboljih studenata i bio sam aktivni član kluba ljubitelja istorije prava i rimskog prava ,,Forum Romanum“. U saradnji sa profesorom Rimskog prava, Žikom Bujuklićem, učestvovao je na više rasprava i istraživanja iz oblasti Rimskog prava, a sa profesrom Simom Avramovićem iz oblasti Uporedne pravne tradicije. Magistrand je na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, na državno-istorijskom modulu. Govori i čita Engleski jezik, a u bliskoj budućnosti planira da nauči Grčki i Italijanski jezik koji će mu pomoći u izučavanju oblasti za koju se opredijelio.
ANDREJ RASPOR (SLO), PhD, nakon završenih studija iz oblasti organizacije rada na Fakultetu za organizacione nauke u Kranju, u okviru Univerziteta u Mariboru, nastavio je postdiplomske studije na Fakultetu za društvene nauke Univerziteta u Ljubljani, i doktorirao 2010. godine sa doktorskom tezom “Uticaj dijeljenja napojnica na motivaciju zaposlenih: poređenje između ugostiteljstva i gejminga“. U svom radu spaja i profesionalno i akademsko, a predaje i radi kao konsultant na područjima menadžmenta i organizacije, turizma, menadžmenta vremena i troškova, kvaliteta usluge i razvoja kadrova. Sa više od 39 godina radnog iskustva, od toga više od 20 godina na različitim vodećim mjestima, od vođe generalnih poslova, direktora razvoja kadrova, direktora za strateške projekte, vođa komisije za nadzor troškova i direktora u sopstvenoj firmi. U okviru firme Hit d.o.o. vodio je Sektor za razvoj kadrova. Bio je direktor strateških projekata, gdje je vodio reformu poslovnih procesa razvoja kadrova i tržišta, kao i organizaciju poslovanja za kineske goste sa područja Italije.
HAYKUHI MURADYAN (ARM) PhD, is a Candidate of Historical Sciences. Her research interests focus on cultural anthropology, applied anthropology, anthropology of politics, and heritage management. She is a lecturer at the Department of Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University. She teaches courses on Introduction to Cultural Studies, Cultural Policy, and Armenian Culture of the Modern Period. She also teaches a course on theories of Cultural Genocide at the Department of Genocide Studies at the Institute of Armenian Studies in the same university.
SINIŠA STEFANOVIĆ (SRB), M.A is a historian, M. A, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University. Working in Institute for Studies in Cultural Development. Related articles and books: С. Стефановић, „О јавној употреби језика и писма“, Векови, 2/2015, Андрићград, 2016, 109–138. С. Стефановић, „Ћирилица у Уставу Србије, Преглед значајније изворне грађе (1974– 2014)“, Култура, бр. 152, Београд, 2016, 350–374. С. Стефановић, Успон и пад Вукове ћирилице. Од Кримског рата до Кримског рата, Вишеград – Андрићград, 2023.
FRANCESCO SPERA (IT) is a PhD candidate in European and International Law at University of Salento, Italy. His expertise covers the field of EU institutional law, EU constitutional law, EU Environmental Law and EU external relation law. Francesco worked for several EU and Italian public institutions (Italian Chamber of Commerce in the EU, Italian Ministry of Development, Puglia Region Delegation to the EU, EU Parliament, and Committee of Regions) and he is part of various EU-funded projects and European and international think-tanks on European matters.
JELENA DROBAC (SRB) D.A, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts, graphic design major. She received Doctor of Arts degree at the Interdisciplinary Art Studies, University of Arts in Belgrade in the field of Digital Arts. She is a professor at the Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade and Head of the Design Department. She has been active on the design scene for 20 years in the field of identity, typography and packaging. Participated in over 50 group exhibitions and festivals in Serbia and abroad, her works have been published in more than 50 design publications worldwide. She won more than 20 graphic design awards in France, Germany, USA, Russia, BIH, Slovenia and Serbia.
EDIN JAŠAROVIĆ (MNE), assoc. prof. Ph.D, Edin Jašarović completed his Master studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade, at the UNESCO Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies - Management in Culture and Cultural Policy of the Balkans. In 2016 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. From 2017 to 2020 he was a member of the Council of the Montenegrin National Theatre. Later in 2020 he was appointed as the president of the Council of the Film Center of Montenegro. In addition to FDA - Cetinje, he also teaches at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Music Academy and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Montenegro. By the decision of the Managing Board of the University of Montenegro in 2020, he was appointed as a Dean of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Cetinje for the mandate period until 2023, and for the second term mandate from 2023 to 2026.
AMELA FRLJUČKIĆ (BIH), is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo is an artist, cultural professional, political scientist. She has two master's degrees—the first she obtained in 2017. at the Music Academy, University of Sarajevo, and the second in 2020. at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. As an Erasmus and CMEPIUS scholar, she also studied at the Conservatorio di Musica G. Tartini in Italy and at the Academy of Music at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. In 2020. she published a musical book and digital album „Musical Postcard from Montenegro“ that was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro and the Montenegrin Music Center. She was awarded with special recognition „Golden Badge “ by the University of Sarajevo and won numerous music awards. As a PhD candidate, she is focused on researching connections between arts and politics.
MARKO GOŠOVIĆ (MNE), PhD candidate, has obtained a Master of Arts (M.A) degree from the Faculty of Visual Arts, University "Mediterranean," Podgorica where he presently serves as an Associate Professor in the field of Creative Industries, specifically within the following subjects: Sound Design Module and Digital Culture. Currently, he is involved at the PhD studies program at the University of Donja Gorica (Faculty of Arts), focusing his research on the topic of "Montenegrin Bridges – Construction and Sound" as one of the winners of the Montenegro Ministry of Science scholarship, granted for a three-year period. Throughout his career, Marko Gošović has actively participated in numerous conferences, seminars, courses, training schools, and workshops in Montenegro, the wider region, and abroad and he is an author of numerous different projects and exhibitions.
FILIP FERDINANDI (MNE) was born in 1982 in Podgorica, where he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine. As a musician, he has contributed to original projects: Antonio Sanchez i kurvini sinovi, Nervni bolesnici, Funny Badlands and Yonic, many of which had notable results throughout the region and performances at established festivals such as Fiat, Sea Rock, Rokumentarni Dani. Also, he has extensive experience in audio design: recording, mixing and mastering, which he gained through collaboration with many bands of the Podgorica alternative scene: Vrpca, MKZP, Šarđun, Wicked Ras and the famous Italian music troupe "Il Volo". He is responsible for the technical support of NGO "Žuta kornjača", a publishing house where he also holds the position of deputy director. He is the author of the first Montenegrin cyber drama "Ljubav u doba instagrama", co-founder of the subversive online platform "Polucija" and a member of the production team of the "Normalizuj.me" portal.
KATARINA LAKOVIC (MNE) is a Visual Artist, the Vice dean of the Faculty of Visual Arts and a Lecturer in the field of Graphic Design at the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica. She has been engaged as a masters student at the FVU since 2015 when she obtained a diploma in Visual Artistry. From 2021 she took over the role of Vice dean for teaching,. She has six solo exhibitions. Her work mostly consists of Code and Kamen series. Code is a series of drawings made with washed ink, and Kamen is aquarelle series of drawings. In the last couple of years, she had entered the field of art installations and is currently working on Purgatory series of exhibitions considering negative parts of artist’s life. During her studies she did a lot of murals that were all part of humanitarian work at the Faculty of Visual arts.
ANILLA TILL (HU), a third year PhD student at Corvinus University of Budapest. In her work she is focusing on nature positive communication in education, branding, and research & encouraging pro-environmental behavior for planetary health in the creative industry. From January 2024 she will be a visiting research scholar at the Sustainability Institute at the University of Iceland, and from November 2024, she will be a visiting research scholar with the Fulbright scholarship at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska Anchorage. She expected to graduate from her PhD studies in August 2025.
BALŠA GOBOVIĆ (MNE), M.A, holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Photography at the Faculty of Visual Arts, University “Mediterranean” Podgorica. While a significant part of Balša's work is devoted to academic research and teaching, he is equally dedicated to his personal photographic endeavors. Through his projects, he articulates observations and reflections on the natural and social environment that surrounds him. Balša predominantly works in the traditional and analog realm of photography, utilizing film. Whenever feasible, he engages in silver gelatin or alternative photographic printing methods. Beyond his academic pursuits, Balša has contributed to numerous group and solo exhibitions, showcasing his multifaceted engagement with the art of photography.
GOST KONFERENCIJE: Andreina Marsella , Ambasciatore d`Italia a Podgorica
Andreina Marsella, è nata a Roma il 19 febbraio 1973. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea in Scienze Politiche presso l’Università di Roma, è entrata nella Carriera diplomatica nel 2001. Alla Farnesina ha prestato servizio presso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, la Direzione Generale per i Paesi del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente e la Direzione Generale per i Paesi delle Americhe. Dal 2004 ha svolto l’incarico di Secondo segretario commerciale a Khartoum, dove è stata confermata nel 2005 con funzioni di Primo segretario commerciale fino al 2008. Dal 2008 al 2010 è stata Primo segretario a Yangon. Dal 2010 al 2012 ha prestato servizio presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Kabul. Ritornata a Roma, ha assunto alla Segreteria Generale – Unità di Coordinamento fino al 2013, quando è stata incaricata di svolgere le funzioni di Capo dell’Organo Centrale di Sicurezza nell’ambito della Segreteria Generale. Dal maggio 2014 al luglio 2017 ha svolto l’incarico di Consigliere presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Tripoli, prestando servizio a Tunisi presso il Nucleo Ambasciata Tripoli da maggio 2015 a febbraio 2017. Prima di essere nominata Ambasciatore d’Italia a Podgorica, ha prestato servizio presso la Direzione Generale per gli Affari Politici e di Sicurezza nell’Unità PESC/PSDC e, nel 2018, è stata nominata Consigliere d’Ambasciata. Ha assunto le funzioni di Ambasciatore d'Italia in Montenegro in data 11 luglio 2022.
NATAŠA KRALJEVIĆ, LL M (MNE) is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Visual Arts & the Faculty of Economics and Business, University “Mediterranean” Podgorica and she teaches the courses in the field of Arts and Cultural Management, Entrepreneurship in Arts, Public Relations and Marketing Services with the aim to provide students with a good grounding into the theoretical and practical skills required for effective Arts and Cultural Management. She is a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the same University where she also works as a Head of the Department for International and Interuniversity Cooperation. Natasa is a Chevening Alumni (British Government Award) and she completed the MA program in Arts Festival and Cultural Management at the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. She also holds an LLM in Intercultural Human Rights, from the St. Thomas University, School of Law completed in Miami, FL/USA prior to which she earned a Bachelor’s degree at the University of Montenegro, School of Law in Podgorica. Natasa has a broad experience within the context of international cooperation and since 2019. Natasa is the President of the Montenegrin Centre of ITI and a Country Expert in cultural policy research for Montenegro in the Compendium Cultural Policies and Trends.
MILENA DRAGUTINOVIĆ (MNE) is an Italian language teacher and Senior Lector at the University "Mediterranean" Podgorica, Montenegro, engaged in lectures and seminars for undergraduate and graduate or specialist study programs and other forms of pedagogic activities. He adapts his teaching to the age, character, and needs of the participants with a special emphasis on the development of the communicative competencies of the participants, along with the equal development of other language competencies (reading, writing, grammar). She is involved in professional development and participation in national and international expert meetings, seminars, and conferences concentrated mainly on issues of Second Language Acquisition. She was involved in the realization of several international projects and the latest one named REFLAME - Reforming Foreign Languages in Academia in Montenegro and she is co-authoring a textbook-in-progress named English for Visual Arts.
RADMILA JANIČIĆ (SRB) PhD is professor of Marketing and Public Relations at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. Radmila Janičić is visiting professor at the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica. Main topics that she lectures are: Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Marketing in Arts and Culture and Media Communications. She is mentor for graduate papers, master papers and doctoral dissertations. She is an author of many books and scientific papers on international conferences and journals. She is a member of editorial board of International Journal for Literature and Arts. She was a member of workshop at Manchester Business School. She is a member of American Marketing Association. She has organized seminars in the field of Marketing in Arts and Culture. She is a member of the Serbian Marketing Association. Professor Radmila Janičič is visiting professor at University of Split, Faculty of Economy. Professor Radmila Janičić is a member of Athens Institute for Education and Research.
BALŠA GOBOVIĆ (MNE) M.A, holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Photography at the Faculty of Visual Arts, University “Mediterranean” Podgorica. While a significant part of Balša's work is devoted to academic research and teaching, he is equally dedicated to his personal photographic endeavors. Through his projects, he articulates observations and reflections on the natural and social environment that surrounds him. Balša predominantly works in the traditional and analog realm of photography, utilizing film. Whenever feasible, he engages in silver gelatin or alternative photographic printing methods. Beyond his academic pursuits, Balša has contributed to numerous group and solo exhibitions, showcasing his multifaceted engagement with the art of photography.
MARKO GOŠOVIĆ (MNE), PhD candidate, has obtained a Master of Arts (M.A) degree from the Faculty of Visual Arts, University "Mediterranean," Podgorica where he presently serves as an Assistant Professor in the field of Creative Industries, specifically within the following subjects: Sound Design Module and Digital Culture. Currently, he is involved at the PhD studies program at the University of Donja Gorica (Faculty of Arts), focusing his research on the topic of "Montenegrin Bridges – Construction and Sound" as one of the winners of the Montenegro Ministry of Science scholarship, granted for a three-year period. Throughout his career, Marko Gošović has actively participated in numerous conferences, seminars, courses, training schools, and workshops in Montenegro, the wider region, and abroad and he is an author of numerous different projects and exhibitions.